Water purification information

There are 36 kinds of pollutants in my drinking water, and the water purifier is really indispensable

Views : 61830
Update time : 2021-11-03 13:53:13
As a developed country, the United States is world-renowned for the safety of water for direct drinking. However, the "Drinking Water Safety Law" (SDWA) passed in 1974 is still in use today. Are the various water quality standards and testing standards applicable to the continuous updating of microorganisms and the continuous emergence of pollutants?
The following is our EWG water quality report, showing that there are as many as 36 pollutants in the water quality in this area.
There are 36 kinds of pollutants in my drinking water, and the water purifier is really indispensable
Is the data amazing? Is this illegal?
No, because EWG pointed out:

The federal government’s legal limits are not health-protective. The EPA has not set a new tap water standard in almost 20 years, and some standards are more than 40 years old.

Which emphasizes "Legal ≠ Safe". In other words, the safety water quality standards specified in the legal provisions that have been used so far can no longer fully meet the requirements of modern society for safe water quality. The detection methods and standard values ​​that have not been updated in time are likely to meet the legal standards of "safety". "Water quality" does not meet the "safe water quality" of real life.
Among them, EWG is The Environmental Working Group, which is a non-profit social organization in the United States, mainly engaged in research and publicity in the fields of agricultural subsidies, toxic chemicals, drinking water pollutants and corporate responsibility.
EPA is the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that is, the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Then, the water purifier may be very important. The safety of drinking water for the family depends on us.
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